Category: Community
40 Plus Social Lenses
Thomas Vander WalLately, I've been getting asked what I am working on beyond client work, as there have been things popping up here and there that hint something is brewing. Well, there is and there isn’t something new, but something (one of my things has been drawing my attention). It started in Summer or early Fall 2010…
Social Relevance in KM
Thomas Vander WalLast week Luis Suarez posted a fantastic piece KM, Enterprise 2.0 and Social Business: One and The Same, which was not only dead on, but also brought to the forefront many discussions I have been having over the past few years. The discussions revolve around depth of understanding the social tools inside organizations and the…
Social Scaling and Maturity
Thomas Vander WalIn 2006 I started using this graphic to explain social scaling and functionality around social tagging systems (then the x-axis was “times an object tagged”), as it helped bring to light the reality of what was to come from use. But increasingly I also used it to explain general social software maturation that echoed social…
Removing Trust
Thomas Vander WalAbout two years ago I made a conscious effort not to use the term “trust” and encouraged those I was engaging for work and social interactions not to use the term. The problem is not the concept of trust, but the use of the term trust, or more accurately the overuse of the term trust.…
On Fire with Social Progressions
Thomas Vander WalWhen talking with organizations about social tools and logical social flows for information from ideas all the way to formal outcomes (white papers, process docs, product enhancement requirement documents, etc.) there have always been stated steps. Some of these steps have different incarnations and labels, depending on how things are done conventionally. But, there is…
5 Enterprise 2.0 Myth Mantras that Must Die
Thomas Vander WalThis week's Enterprise 2.0 Conference in Boston was quite good. It is one of the few conference I still won't miss. The conference is a good mix of vendors, implementers, and those who live with those results while working hard to improve upon this. This conference is a great place to talk with people who…
Facebook Makes it Hard to Like Them
Thomas Vander WalThis past week Facebook made a load of changes to how it works at their F8 conference. Very little of it is new or innovative, other than it is taking the ideas mainstream (and the ideas are poorly executed in usual Facebook style). There are a lot of things that are problematic and troublesome. This…
The S Word – A Repsonse
Inspired by Andrew McAfee's post, The S Word about the use of "social" when talking to enterprise businesses, I am sharing my response I posted in the comments. I have run into the connotation of social as a term that has associative connotations to the hippy movement (the slide image Andrew uses with his presentations),…
Why I Do…
Thomas Vander WalOne question I continually get from many in the web design and dev community is, “Why do you spend so much time focusing on things inside the firewall? You know all the cool stuff is happening out on the open web.” At times I get tired of answering that, but most who know me most…
Pieces of Time, Place, Things, and Personal Connections Loosly Joined
Thomas Vander WalThere are a lot of people wondering what to do with all the data that is being generated by social tools/sites around the web and the social tools/services inside organization. Well, the answer is to watch the flows, but the pay off value is not in the flow it is in contextualizing the data into…