Category: Complexity Lenses
5 Core Insights for Community Platforms Today
Thomas Vander WalIntro: The last two or three years have been “interesting” in the community platform space as things have been shifting quite a bit with regard to vendors. Most every organization I know is looking at changing their platform as their contract is up for renewal and they are looking around, or their vendor’s state has…
Building Social / Collaboration Platforms
Thomas Vander WalI started my trek designing, developing, and managing social / collaboration platforms in 1996. Over those years I’ve been part of a lot of different projects, development of platforms, long term and short term strategy and planning with vendors in the space, and in recent years back helping design, and product management (from an advisory…
Team Roles Needed for Social Software Projects
Thomas Vander WalI have a lot of hands-on designing, developing, and managing of social / collaborative platforms since 1996 and regularly advise product makers, vendors, and buyers around right fitting and understanding then working on solving problems they may have. One of the things that was regularly surfacing around 2007 as enterprise social platforms were getting taken…
Diversity of Enterprise Social Tools
Thomas Vander WalOne constant in the 20 years I’ve been working in and around organizations and their social platforms is lack of understanding of the diversity of tool types. Today that lack of understanding of the diversity continues, but the diversity and the dimensions in that diversity have increased. Since 2004 I’ve run workshops, given talks, written…
The One Year Club: A seven year review
In 2008, or so, I would have semi-regular calls with a friend who was also doing social and collaboration consulting and advising. Stuart Mader and I would set aside 30 minutes or so to compare notes about our client work (these often lasted 2 to 3 hours). The common trait with our clients was most…
Working Out Loud in Hallways with Memory
Thomas Vander WalI am deeply enjoying working out loud again with a team. There are so many great advantages to sharing what you are working on in progress. This is often how I worked with clients from 2005 through to early 2012 and it was so odd to move back into an email heavy work environment, and…
Shift Happened – Part 3: Capturing Decisions in Social
Thomas Vander WalIn the last 5 years many people have been working amidst a shift in how they work digitally and where they interact digitally with colleagues. They also realize the product of their work may have shifted as well. The work product has long been presentations, white papers, spreadsheets, general reports, etc. These deliverables are products…
Shift Happened – Part 1: More Productive Not Using Productivity Tools
Thomas Vander WalOver the past six months or so, I’ve been increasingly hearing from IT leaders in organizations who have been surprised by a shift in how people work digitally. The work patterns related to this shift are far from new and, in fact, are well over a decade old. Nonetheless, some have been surprised by who,…
Coming Out of Hiatus
Things have been a bit quiet here, but many changes on this side of the screen are settling and allowing idea and writing focus. One of the things I am pulling together are my columns from KM World on Personal Knowledge Management (it unintentionally went into hiatus at the same time). One of the great…