Category: Personal Info
Recent Speaking Engagements
I have posted the last three presentations I have given in the last five days. The presentations and a little about each presentation are available as follows: IA for the Personal InfoCloud from the IA Summit, Folksonomy: A Wrapper’s Delight a panel at the IA Summit, and The Blog as Personal Knowledge Managment from a…
PC Forum Eventspace – Users Make Content Their Own
PC Forum Eventspace – Users Make Content Their Own seems to have only part of the equation correct.
- and Others Understand Ease of Information Reuse
Some sites are getting that helping the user with date related information by providing the information in a standard format that allows the user to drop the information into their calendar tool. One such site is’s iCal Integration. The I recently ran across a similar tool, but for vCal, on the Hilton site. When…
Keeping Found Things Found
This weeks New York Times Circuits article: Now Where Was I? New Ways to Revisit Web Sites, which covers the Keep Found Things Found research project at University of Washington. The program is summarized: The classic problem of information retrieval, simply put, is to help people find the relatively small number of things they are…
IBM Redesigns E-Mail
There is another e-mail redesign in the work, IBM’s Remail is a research project that seems to be on the right track. There is serious need for outlook replacements so that we can have a mail, calendar, and other communication tool that actually works as one needs it to.