Category: Personal InfoCloud
Enterprise Social Tools: Components for Success
Thomas Vander WalOne of the things I continually run across talking with organizations deploying social tools inside their organization is the difficultly getting all the components to mesh. Nearly everybody is having or had a tough time with getting employees and partners to engage with the services, but everybody is finding out it is much more than…
Getting to Know Collective and Collaborative
Thomas Vander WalOne of the things that has been a little bothersome in the last year or two and has been the lack of understanding between the difference between two terms, collaborative and collective. The two terms are rather similar in definition (in some dictionaries they are nearly identical), but the differences between the two terms have…
Remote Presentation and Perception Matrix for Social Tools
Thomas Vander WalToday I did something I had never done before (actually a few things) I sat in my office in my home and gave a live web video presentation to a conference elsewhere on the globe. I presented my nearly all new presentation, Keeping Up With Social Tagging to the Expert Workshop in: Social Tagging and…
Pffft! Social Graph, We Need the Portable Social Network
Thomas Vander WalIn reading Alex Rudloff’s "Privacy as Currancy" post I had two thoughts reoccur: 1) privacy is a currency back by trust; and 2) Pfffft! Social graph? Where is my Portable Social Network? I agree with what Alex stated about wanting to move out of Facebook as my trust in them is gone completely (mostly driven…
The State of Enterprise Social Software
Thomas Vander WalLast Friday the Read/Write Web post on "Big Vendors Scrap for Enterprise 2.0 Supremacy" post really was bothersome for me. The list of big players and their products in the post seemed to show the sorry state of offerings by the big companies more than it shows they understand the vast improvements that have been…
Open Conversations and Privacy Needs for Business
Thomas Vander WalI thought I would share the latest press bit around this joint, Thomas Vander Wal was quoted in Inc Magazine What's Next: Shout it Out Loud (or in the August 2007 issue beginning on page 69). The article focuses the need and desire for companies to share and be open with more of their data…
Sharing and Following / Listening in the Social Web
Thomas Vander WalYou may be familiar with my granular social network post and the postings around the Personal InfoCloud posts that get to personal privacy and personal management of information we have seen, along with the Come to Me Web, but there is an element that is still missing and few social web sites actually grasp the…
Inline Messaging
Thomas Vander WalMany of the social web services (Facebook, Pownce, MySpace, Twitter, etc.) have messaging services so you can communication with your "friends". Most of the services will only ping you on communication channels outside their website (e-mail, SMS/text messaging, feeds (RSS), etc.) and require the person to go back to the website to see the message,…
Stitching Conversation Threads Fractured Across Channels
Thomas Vander WalCommunicating is simple. Well it is simple at its core of one person talking with another person face-to-face. When we communicate and add technology into the mix (phone, video-chat, text message, etc.) it becomes more difficult. Technology becomes noise in the pure flow of communication. Now With More Complexity But, what we have today is…
Breaking Down LibraryThing vs. Amazon Tagging Analysis
Thomas Vander WalI have been rather heads down on a project the last week or two since the Thingolology: When tags work and when they don’t: Amazon and LibraryThing blog post was created. Tim from LibraryThing, who wrote the post, was kind enough to give me an early heads-up and I responded a few days later. I…