Category: Research
Pew Research on Tagging
Lee Ranie of the Pew Internet and American Life Project announced the release of Pew Internet Project Report on Tagging in America. The report also includes an extensive interview with David Weinberger on the subject of tagging. The most interesting parts of this report at the percentages of people in America who tag (includes those…
Keeping Found Things Found
This weeks New York Times Circuits article: Now Where Was I? New Ways to Revisit Web Sites, which covers the Keep Found Things Found research project at University of Washington. The program is summarized: The classic problem of information retrieval, simply put, is to help people find the relatively small number of things they are…
Building a Web Based E-Notebook
The Journal of Digital Information has an article on Implementation Challenges Associated with Developing a Web-based E-notebook by Yolanda Jacobs Reimer and Sarah A. Douglas. This Journal article seems to cover good research information on personal information aggregation. The e-notebooks discussed are similar to weblogs, but are means of storing information for personal retrieval. The…
IBM Redesigns E-Mail
There is another e-mail redesign in the work, IBM’s Remail is a research project that seems to be on the right track. There is serious need for outlook replacements so that we can have a mail, calendar, and other communication tool that actually works as one needs it to.
Information Structure for Information Reuse
John Udell’s discussion of Apple’s Knowledge Navigator is a wonderful overview of a Personal Information Cloud. If the tools was more mobile or was shown synching with a similar mobile device to have the “knowledge” with the user at all time it is would be a perfect representation. Information in a Personal Information Cloud is…