Category: Identity
Alexander Howard Interview with Christopher (moot) Poole from October 2011 Transcript
The video interview is at YouTube Christopher Poole Interviewed at Web 2.0 Summit 2011 4Chan is 8 years old and Christopher founded it when he was 15 years old. Transcript of the core conversation: Alex Howard: … What have you learned along the way? Christopher Poole: I think that I’ve learned more about what not…
On the Way to the Next Big Thing
Thomas Vander WalThis was written in April 2011 and a publication had interest in publishing it, but it didn't fit their editorial cycle so it sat. I have annotated this with an endnote to bring it current. A funny thing happened on the way to the next big thing, the big thing was little. Many people are…
40 Plus Social Lenses
Thomas Vander WalLately, I've been getting asked what I am working on beyond client work, as there have been things popping up here and there that hint something is brewing. Well, there is and there isn’t something new, but something (one of my things has been drawing my attention). It started in Summer or early Fall 2010…
Removing Trust
Thomas Vander WalAbout two years ago I made a conscious effort not to use the term “trust” and encouraged those I was engaging for work and social interactions not to use the term. The problem is not the concept of trust, but the use of the term trust, or more accurately the overuse of the term trust.…
Facebook Makes it Hard to Like Them
Thomas Vander WalThis past week Facebook made a load of changes to how it works at their F8 conference. Very little of it is new or innovative, other than it is taking the ideas mainstream (and the ideas are poorly executed in usual Facebook style). There are a lot of things that are problematic and troublesome. This…
Pieces of Time, Place, Things, and Personal Connections Loosly Joined
Thomas Vander WalThere are a lot of people wondering what to do with all the data that is being generated by social tools/sites around the web and the social tools/services inside organization. Well, the answer is to watch the flows, but the pay off value is not in the flow it is in contextualizing the data into…
LinkedIn: Social Interaction Design Lessons Learned (not to follow) – 2 of 2
Thomas Vander WalThis is the second of two posts on the subject, the first post LinkedIn: Social Interaction Design Lessons Learned (not to follow) – 1 or 2 gives the lead-in to this post. Lessons To Learn Sadly, the new social functionality has broken much of worked well as an ambient social tool. More problematic was LinkedIn…
LinkedIn: Social Interaction Design Lessons Learned (not to follow) – 1 of 2
Thomas Vander WalWhy LinkedIn Needs to Have a Better Grasp of Social A heavy user of LinkedIn, I have been hearing identical complaints to my own as regular business networking event conversation fodder for the last six months or more. Light users of LinkedIn as well as those of us who have over 600 connections have nearly…
Enterprise Social Tools: Components for Success
Thomas Vander WalOne of the things I continually run across talking with organizations deploying social tools inside their organization is the difficultly getting all the components to mesh. Nearly everybody is having or had a tough time with getting employees and partners to engage with the services, but everybody is finding out it is much more than…
Selective Sociality and Social Villages
Thomas Vander WalThe web provides wonderful serindipity on many fronts, but in this case it brought together two ideas I have been thinking about, working around, and writing about quite a bit lately. The ideas intersect at the junction of the pattern of building social bonds with people and comfort of know interactions that selective sociality brings.…