Category: User Experience
Broken Decade Precedes It Works Decade
I had long forgotten this Carl Steadman response to Michael Sippy’s “Just One Question – What do you want for Christmas”, but the response from 1997 is fantastic and frames the 1990s as the broken decade. (I’ll wait for you to go read it) I’m not so sure that Carl’s broken decade got better in…
Mistaking the Edges for the Norm
Thomas Vander WalOne of the best lessons from social quantitative analysis in grad school (public policy) was learning to understand if you are viewing edge cases or the norm (mainstream). Humans have some common traits, but when you start to design or develop any sort of program (be it government services or social software) you start to…
Beyond Simple Social Presentation
Thomas Vander WalWe have been here before. Where we are with social tools in organizations has been done before and not overly well. But, where we are today is a place we have been twice before in my working career. We had groupware and knowledge management tools in this same spot. Similar promise and similar success both…
Presenting “Beyond Simple Social” In SF May 30th
I am presenting “Beyond Simple Social” at Salesforce in San Francisco on Wednesday, May 30. Please join us – Eventbright free ticket. Interfaces for social software are simple. But designing, developing and managing social platforms is not. I will present some of the lenses he uses to help companies increase user adoption and engagement by…
Urban Planning to Social Business: Social that Scales
Thomas Vander WalOverview In November of 2011 Gordon Ross and I presented What Urban Planning Can Teach Us About Social Business Design at the Enterprise 2.0 Conference in Santa Clara (the presentation is loaded at the end of this post). I was excited about the presentation as it was a great opportunity to place the foundations of…
Getting Beyond Simple Social
Thomas Vander Wal“Social is hard!” is something I hear repeatedly by most of my clients and those I talk to. It is one of the issues I continually run across in my work with organizations trying to better understand social software and collaboration tools for their organization as well as helping vendors better understand their gaps and…
Removing Trust
Thomas Vander WalAbout two years ago I made a conscious effort not to use the term “trust” and encouraged those I was engaging for work and social interactions not to use the term. The problem is not the concept of trust, but the use of the term trust, or more accurately the overuse of the term trust.…
5 Enterprise 2.0 Myth Mantras that Must Die
Thomas Vander WalThis week's Enterprise 2.0 Conference in Boston was quite good. It is one of the few conference I still won't miss. The conference is a good mix of vendors, implementers, and those who live with those results while working hard to improve upon this. This conference is a great place to talk with people who…
Understanding the Cost of We Can’t Find Anything
Thomas Vander WalOne problem I often hear when talking with any organization about new solutions is understanding the cost and inefficiency of their existing way solutions, processes, or general way of doing things. In the past year or two I have used various general measurements around search to help focus the need for improvement not only on…
Facebook Makes it Hard to Like Them
Thomas Vander WalThis past week Facebook made a load of changes to how it works at their F8 conference. Very little of it is new or innovative, other than it is taking the ideas mainstream (and the ideas are poorly executed in usual Facebook style). There are a lot of things that are problematic and troublesome. This…