Category: Weblogs
Resonance in Sound and Design
Resonance: The quality in a sound of being deep, full, and reverberating: the resonance of his voice. The ability to evoke or suggest images, memories, and emotions: the concepts lose their emotional resonance. Listening to the lovely and haunting Dead Already from the American Beauty soundtrack by Thomas Newman in high quality recording (lossless) and…
New Home for Personal InfoCloud
This weblog now has a new domain attached, You may want to adjust your links and aggregation to update this change. Things will look a little funny at the old address. We made this change to be more future ready. We have had the domain for quite some time, but have not tied it…
Welcome to the Personal Info Cloud
Welcome to the Personal Information Cloud. In the digital realm we have various pockets of information all tied to clouds. The most commonly understood cloud is the Global Information Cloud, i.e. the Internet. There is a plethora of information in this Info Cloud, but often there is too much information and the users are flooded…